
Wrinkles are a normal part of aging, but Botox can help reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and fine lines. Andover Dermatology can help you erase these signs of age and restore your youthful appearance.

What is Botox Treatment?

botoxBotox is a type of injectable treatment that can be used for a variety of health applications. When given cosmetically, this treatment can improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on your face.

Botox can be administered in many areas, including:

  • Frown lines between your eyebrows
  • Creases on your forehead
  • The top of your nose
  • Between your eyebrows
  • Crow’s feet (the wrinkles around your eyes)
  • The circles beneath your eyes
  • Lines around your mouth
  • Chin
  • Jawline
  • Neck

It may take up to a week before you start to see the results of the treatment. The effects of a single treatment vary, but may last for three to six months.

A Botox treatment can be used on its own or as part of a comprehensive facial rejuvenation program. Your dermatologist will consult with you to determine the best techniques to help you reach your beauty goals.

How Botox Treatment Works

botoxBotox (onabotulinumtoxina) is a type of drug that works by temporarily paralyzing the normal function of the muscles in a specific area. This treatment relaxes the muscles on your face, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles. In the case of deep wrinkles or creases, Botox can be used in conjunction with another treatment, such as a dermal filler, to eliminate the appearance of these lines.

Before you receive treatment, your dermatologist will consult with you to identify your beauty goals and the areas of your face that you would like to improve. Your doctor can also answer any questions you may have about the procedure or recovery.

Botox is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that does not require anaesthesia. During the procedure, the area to be treated is first cleaned and numbed. Then, a combination of botox and saline is administered into the muscle tissue. The procedure generally takes half an hour, after which you can resume your daily activities as normal.

You may notice some bruising or swelling after the procedure. Ice packs can help reduce swelling and ease any discomfort you may be experiencing.

Treatments generally last 3 – 6 months, after which you can have a touch-up treatment to maintain your skin’s smooth and youthful appearance.

Erasing Your Wrinkles with Botox Treatments at Andover Dermatology

Botox is a fast and easy wrinkle-erasing treatment with long-lasting effects. At Andover Dermatology, we consult with you to develop a custom treatment plan tailored to your preferences and goals. We have over 30 years experience providing the best dermatology care in the Andover, MA and Salem, NH areas.

Give us a call to learn more about how we can help you erase wrinkles and fine lines. We look forward to helping you look younger and feel your best.